god the mother unites families, world mission society church of god

God the Mother Unites Families in the WMSCOG

Meet Lauren.

Lauren has attended the World Mission Society Church of God for more than seven years. Lauren’s husband, Aaron, has been a member of the Church of God for more than 12 years.

Lauren published this video in 2013 to share how the belief in God the Mother unites families in the Church of God. And her family is the perfect example.

Lauren and Aaron had known each other since high school. They got married and started a family. Then, one day, Aaron started attending the Church of God. Lauren, however, had no interest in attending.

But then, Lauren began to see a change in Aaron.

Although Aaron attended the Church and Lauren did not, she explains that he never isolated her or made her feel like an outsider. Instead, he tried to set a good example for his family.

“He was being more patient [and] really nice. He was doing things for the family that he hadn’t done before. He was very eager to clean the house and do the dishes.”

However, Lauren says she did not have an open mind to check out the Church and see what was being taught and this resulted in unnecessary anxieties within her.

It wasn’t until several years later that Lauren finally decided to check out the Church of God for herself to see what had brought about Aaron’s change.

Lauren explains that during her first visit to the Church, her experience was very pleasant. That day, the Church was hosting a bazaar and she saw that the members were happy to be there and everyone was welcoming.

Later on, she studied the teachings of the Church of God, which come directly from the Bible. She realized that the members of the Church of God genuinely try to put into practice the teachings of the Bible. In her video, she commends the members of the Church of God for being gracious and kind. And this is all because of the teachings that we learn from God the Mother.

Since joining the Church of God, Lauren explains that her family has become more united. Lauren and Aaron have a great relationship and her sons are complimented in school for being well-behaved and excelling in their schoolwork.

Click on the video below to watch Lauren’s testimonial.

god the mother unites families, world mission society church of god

Video is courtesy of YouTube user: Bourland Lauren


There are many people who disagree with the biblical teachings of the Church of God. Yet all of our teachings and beliefs come directly from the Bible, including our belief in God the Mother. Whether naysayers agree or not, God the Mother unites families in the Church of God. And She helps us become better citizens of society. I encourage you to visit your local World Mission Society Church of God and experience God’s love for yourself.

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