World Mission Society Church of God, God the Mother
God the Mother

Um Soo In is the Real Bride?

Christ Ahnsahnghong: “There is no bride!”

In the early 1980’s, a member of the Church of God, a woman named Um Soo In, nosily went into Christ Ahnsahnghong’s bag and read through some of his writings about God the Mother without his permission. She became obsessed over the idea of being God the Mother and began telling members that she was the bride. She even quoted books from Christ Ahnsahnghong to support her lies.

Her obsession was so much so that she gave herself the authority to change the word of God in the Bible and started telling women in the Church they no longer needed to wear the veil for worship.

Let’s pretend you’re a king with an open door policy to your castle. You just found out your enemy’s coming. The safety of your people is at risk. What would you command your guards to do?
Keep the doors opened? Close them?

What do you think Christ Ahnsahnghong did in response to Um Soo In’s delusional actions claiming to be God the Mother?

The New Jerusalem and the Bride: Interpretation on Women’s Veil 

He published this book in 1983, “to clarify the mistakes of the books that Um Soo In published, and to testify briefly about the unchangeable truth of the Church of God…Women like Um Soo In appeared and caused big problems with their impertinent thoughts. How can they expect to be forgiven? …From now on, let us find the mistakes one by one in the books that Um Soo In wrote.”

Now the threat has subsided. Your enemy went away. As king, will you keep your doors closed? Or would you open them again?

Once the confusion about Um Soo In being the bride was settled, he collected all the copies of The New Jerusalem and the Bride that had been distributed to the churches.



Then in 1984, he revealed the true bride – Zahng Gil Jah – our Heavenly Mother.

History Repeats Itself

There are many examples in the Bible where God said one thing and it was only valid during that period in time. But people misinterpret the content of the Bible for their own advantage because they know nothing about God. Here’s one instance:

Matthew 16:20 Then he warned his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Christ.

So because of this verse, should we never tell anyone that Jesus is the Christ? Then what about this other verse?

Acts 1:8 “…And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere – in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Since Jesus had already told them not to tell anyone that he was the Christ, then they shouldn’t listen to his request to preach about him to Samaria and to the ends of the earth. Sounds pretty ridiculous, right?

It’s the same situation. Christ Ahnsahnghong, in 1983, had to put an end to Um Soo In’s claim. But at the right time, he revealed our Heavenly Mother – the true bride. It would be just plain stupid to follow the opinions of some people who deny Heavenly Mother, without studying the prophecies in the Bible about Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother.


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  • Reply

    Amen! Christ Ahnsahnghong wanted to reveal the true bride of the Lamb at his appointed time. The reason he said that there is no bride can be understood as “there is no bride at this moment.” It was not the time for the bride to be revealed yet, so he sealed that part of the truth for the moment.

  • Nicole W

    Um Soo In IS NOT the bride nor does any member of the WMSCOG believe she is the bride. Zahng Gil Jah is God, our Heavenly Mother on this earth. Though Heavenly Mother is in the flesh just like Jesus and Ahnsahnghong came in the flesh – behind Their flesh is the power of Almighty God. But Um Soo In is just a mortal human. She must have at one point in time claimed to have believed in Christ Ahnsahnghong if she was so obsessed to become the bride but could never change the fact that she is just a mortal human.

    Members do not believe man can become God but that God can become a man… for the simple fact that Christianity means believing in the incarnation of God – God in the flesh.

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