teachings of god the mother

David & the Teachings of God the Mother

Meet David.

David has been a member of the World Mission Society Church of God for over six years. Before coming to the Church of God, David had been exposed to Christianity throughout his childhood. His dad was a missionary, so his family traveled throughout the United States and overseas carrying out humanitarian work, attending church camp, church retreats, and the likes. Although David had an understanding of Christianity as a religion, he had many questions about God and the Bible that churches could not answer.

“Over the years, I would get the same responses. Like, ‘You’re not supposed to know that right now’ or ‘You’ll find out when you get to heaven.’”

As all of the churches had the same response—or lack thereof—to his questions, David concluded they were all the same. He felt that they didn’t really know the truth about God. Eventually, a friend invited David to study at the Church of God. Although reluctant at first, he agreed to attend when his friend explained how detailed the Bible studies are.

Once at the Church, David explains that all of his questions were answered through the Bible.

“I started to ask these questions—the same questions that were [in] my heart my whole life. . . . He opened the Bible first and he began to show me all the answers that were already in the Bible the whole time. That really changed my life. I stayed for eight hours the first day. Just to make sure, I’d ask him to go over it twice—and, then, one of the studies, even a third time, just so I can examine it and just so I can make sure. And it was clear. It was the truth.”

Click on the video below and check out David’s story.

teachings of god the mother

Video is courtesy of YouTube user: David B


Teachings of God the Mother 

David explains that what really changed his life were the teachings of God the Mother.

“I came to realize that God the Mother is the truth of the Bible, the true God with the true love of humanity.”

The teachings of God the Mother sunk in David’s heart. He describes himself as someone with “rough characteristics” and not very responsible before coming to the Church of God. But after learning the teachings of God the Mother, he started to naturally change for the better.

David is not the only one. All members of the Church of God around the world want to resemble God’s characteristics of humility and love. And following the 13 teachings of God the Mother guides us toward our goal.

Many members describe that in times of anger or anxiety, thinking of the teachings of God the Mother helps us overcome. Instead of feeding into anger, through Mother’s teachings, we are able to focus our minds on positivity—even in tough situations.

  • It is more blessed to give love than to receive, as God always gives love.
  • When we give glory to God, the glory returns to us.
  • A beautiful mind has no hate and brings forth a perfect love.
  • As Abraham was blessed with the better when he gave in for his nephew Lot, so we are blessed more greatly when we give in for our brothers and sisters.
  • Being arrogant means wanting to be served.
  • Though others do not work, we should not complain but do our work faithfully. Having the mind of a master allows us to work with pleasure and ease.
  • Arrogance comes from a mind full of complaint. When we serve God always with gratitude in our hearts, complaint and arrogance recede from us, and humility dwells in our hearts.
  • When we praise brothers and sisters, the praise returns to us.
  • As the sea receives all the dirt and purifies it, we should have a broad and beautiful mind enough to cover up even the faults of our brothers and sisters.
  • Whoever wants to be led by the Lamb should become a lamb smaller than the Lamb.
  • Sacrifice is needed to become a greater vessel.
  • We should endure present sufferings, for the kingdom of heaven is waiting for us.
  • Even God did not come to be served but to serve. When we serve one another without wanting to be served, God will be pleased.

God the Mother is the perfect example of love and humility. I encourage you to visit your nearest World Mission Society Church of God to learn more about God the Mother through the Bible.

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1 Comment
  • Joey

    This is a very good post that explains the importance of Heavenly Mother’s teachings. How we interact with one another, our lives must be based on the teachings of Mother. I think this is the reason why the members of the Church of God live such meaningful lives.

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