god the mother in the bible
God the Mother

Is God the Mother in the Bible?

Many people, especially Christians, do not think there is really a God the Mother in the Bible. For thousands of years, those who follow the Christian faith and study the Bible have only heard about God the Father. So now that the World Mission Society Church of God is preaching about God the Mother in the Bible, many come to think it’s a made-up story.

God the Mother has always been in the Bible and all of the prophets and disciples of the Early Church knew this. Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. And the book of Genesis testifies about God the Mother.

Genesis 1:26-27 (NLT) Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. […] So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Through this verse, it’s evident that God the Father (the male image of God) was not alone when creating mankind. God the Mother was always there. Many may think that the “us” in Genesis refers to God and the angels or the trinity. But this interpretation is incorrect. God clearly showed us that male and female were made according to the very plural image of God.

trinity; us in genesis; wmscog; ahnsahnghong

The “us” in Genesis cannot be the trinity.

World Mission Society Church of God, Genesis 1:26, God the Mother

It cannot be God & the angels either.






Everything that Jesus Christ did on this earth was to teach us about the kingdom of heaven and lead us to salvation. And He taught us to pray to God our Father. Why would Jesus say this?

Matthew 6:9 “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven…'”

The title of “father” means that a man has children. And this is why God calls us children of God. But for children to exist, there must be a mother. Apostle Paul testified to this to the Church of God in Galatia.

Galatians 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

I found the following video, which will help you see that God the Mother is in the Bible and has always been there since the beginning of time — and definitely since the beginning of Christianity.

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  • Ofori

    Proverbs 8 describes wisdom as she so there is God the Mother.

  • Cathy

    Through the Bible, we can find out that God the Mother exists. God the Mother can give us eternal life in this age.

  • Rin

    It’s so easy to understand. Not only God the Father but also God the Mother exist.

  • Victoria

    The above explanation is very clear. These days, the doctrines of wmscog attract my interest.

  • kws

    Wow! That makes sense to me.
    God the mother is truly god.

  • Buddy

    I really agree with you. As everyone knows, we call God as our father. This means that we are children of God the father. Through this, we can understand that naturally there is God the mother. The family consists of father, mother and their children.

  • Reply

    Surely, the bible teaches us about God the Mother as the last mystery of God for our salvation.

  • Jose Rojas

    I agree. It is very easy to understand because that’s just how it’s written in the bible. I think the problem is that people have a fixed concept, so I hope this video leads many to correctly understand the truth of Heavenly Mother.

  • John M

    To the point. I like the links.
    Helpful for me to answer my questions.

  • Carlos G.

    Amazing article, though short!!
    When I first came to the Church of God this was one of the most amazing and undeniable truth that I studied. Truly God the Mother has been, is and will be in the Bible until we enter the Kingdom of Heaven. She is true hope for those who are seeking eternal peace and happiness.

  • liyali

    The testimony of God the Mother in the Bible the is so simple and easy. I think because it’s so clear, many people have a hard time accepting it; they expect God to be overly complicated. But God is as simple as male and female.

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