Who is God the Mother; World Mission Society Church of God
God the Mother

Who is God the Mother?

You’ve probably heard about God the Mother and are curious to know who she really is. Well, what do you think? Do you think she’s just a woman? Or do you think she’s God? Do you think God the Mother is just a concept of the Church of God?

Okay. So first, let’s check what is written in the Bible. I’m sure you’ve seen this already too.

Galatians 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

So Apostle Paul wrote that the Jerusalem above is our Mother. But what is above? I think we can all agree that above means in Heaven, correct?

Okay. So Jerusalem is above. But she will not always stay there. The last book of the Bible testifies that this Jerusalem – our Mother – would come down from Heaven to the earth.

Revelation 21:9 Then one of the seven angels…came and said to me, “Come with me! I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” So he took me in the Spirit to a great, high mountain, and he showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God.

If we use logic, we know that the Jerusalem in this verse is not referring to the city currently located in the Middle East. So who is this referring to?

Revelation 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” Let anyone who hears this say, “Come.” Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life.

This Jerusalem is the Bride who is prophesied to come with Second Coming Christ in the last days to give those who consider themselves children of God, eternal life. Again, I’m sure you’ve heard this or studied about it at the Church of God. And if you haven’t, you can check out all about the prophecies of God the Mother on the official Church of God website.



But you want to know who God the Mother really is. Well…

  • She’s a woman.
  • She’s a human being.
  • She’s a living person who lives in Seoul, South Korea.
  • And yes, She is God. God incarnated.

Now, why do members of the Church of God believe that Zahng Gil Jah specifically is God the Mother? You may want to check out this post.

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  • Clementine

    I sincerly give thanks to God the Mother who came to this earth to give Her children of promise the water of life according to the prophecy of the bible. I really feel proud to be Her child.

  • Chanel

    Wow love this post, so amazing to see the truth finally being revealed in our time!

  • saphe

    The Bride who is the source of water of life in Rev 22:16 can not be a human being. And she i supposed to appear in the last age according to Rev 21. For our salvation, we need God the Mother as the last savior. We have to find out the secret of salvation through the prophecy of the Bible.

  • Michael H

    This article is totally true! I have seen for myself. Heavenly Mother does exist and is with us on earth! If you have been approached and are thinking about studying the Bible with those who approached you about this, do it!! You will see how true and amazing it is!

  • Nicole W

    Zahng Gil Jah is God, our Heavenly Mother who is on this earth!

    Members do not believe man can become God but that God can become man…for the simple fact that Christianity means believing in the incarnation of God – God in the flesh. It shouldn’t be something strange as most of the world believes in a carpenter from Nazereth to have been God who came 2,000 years ago though they never saw Him with their own eyes.

    We actually have seen God with our own eyes. We’ve talked to Her, held Her hand, hugged Her, walked with Her, called Her on the phone, heard Her voice and we can all attest that She is God. But just as the prophets who Truly believed in Jesus 2,000 years ago, we have to see everything in the Bible to have faith. Even now, we cannot have blind faith in Jesus – but must believe in Him through seeing the prophecies He fulfilled in the Bible. Christ appeared to His disciples 2,000 years ago after the crucifixion when He resurrected but His disciples actually couldn’t recognize Him. But Christ showed them from the scriptures of the bible that it was Him -the very same Christ they knew before the crucifixion and he showed them all of this though the bible. (Luke 24:25-27)

    Please study the bible to see Zahng Gil Jah is truly Heavenly Mother who fulfills all bible prophecy.

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