god the mother heresy
God the Mother

Is God the Mother Heresy or Biblical Truth?

When members of the World Mission Society Church of God preach about God the Mother, many people automatically reject it, calling it heresy and a false doctrine. The belief in a female image of God goes against the societal norm that there is only God the Father in Christianity.

Yet, many things that we know as absolute facts today were once against societal norm as well.

Take for instance this verse written by Job around 1500 BC.

Job 26:7 (NLT) God stretches the northern sky over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing.

Job wrote that the earth is suspended in space. However, this was not a common belief during his time. Ancient civilizations believed that the earth sat on a large animal or a giant. The understanding that the earth is indeed suspended over nothing was not confirmed until after the 17th century when Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation.

The belief that the earth was suspended in space went against the societal norm during the time of Job. But it did not mean it was not true.

Job also wrote:

Job 36:27 (NLT) “Look, God is greater than we can understand…He draws up the water vapor and then distills it into rain. The rain pours down from the clouds, and everyone benefits.

The water cycle as we know it today is just as Job described it more approximately 3,500 years ago (of course with more intricate details). Yet it was not fully understood until the 17th century. Ancient civilizations thought that land simply floated on a body of water and that most of the water originated from under the earth.

Again, societal norm does not make something true or not true. And it surely does not dictate whether the teachings of God are true or heresy.

Technology has not always been as advanced as it is now. We didn’t always have computers; we didn’t always know the cause of certain diseases in order to find a cure for it; and we didn’t always know that the earth was a sphere that revolved around the sun. At one point, people thought the earth to be flat.

It is the same with God. For centuries, we have believed God is only male. But the Bible clearly testifies that God is also female and that God the Mother does exist.

Galatians 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

Before dismissing the thought, I encourage you study the Bible and see that God the Mother has existed from the beginning of time. Check out the video below for a clearer explanation.

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cult and heresy church of god cult

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  • Reply

    This is a very good question to start. Once Jesus was called a cult or a Nazarene Sect. But now why do people believe in the name of Jesus? Because he is testified in the bible. Through this we can know what is important in knowing the truth is not people’s opinion, but the prophecies of the bible. And the bible testifies God the Mother all throughout the Scriptures.

  • John

    If scientists didn’t check out the facts for themselves and just believed what people said, we might all think the earth is flat. The same is true for our faith. We have to check for ourselves in the Bible, not just believing what people say.

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