world mission society church of god, sabbath day, worship service

When is the Sabbath Day?


For months, I believed the Church of God was a cult because of some videos and articles I found online. And the only thing that brought me back was seeing the Sabbath and Passover in the Bible. So in this post, I want to emphasize the importance of the Sabbath Day.

Growing up Catholic, all I knew was Sunday worship. Like millions of other people around the world, I never questioned it. I was the definition of blind faith. Just going by what people said without wondering if it was true or not.

Until one day, as an adult, I became tired of waking up early to sit in a pew and listen to a priest talk about being a good person, helping my neighbors…you know, the usual. I was already a “good person,” volunteering once or twice a week, working, with a degree. Is that really all it takes to go to heaven? There has to be more. So I stopped going to church.

Now, I was determined to find the truth. Where is God? What is in the Bible? How can I really go to heaven?

Then I came to the Church of God and learned about the Sabbath Day that Christ Ahnsahnghong established. There are many, especially those who oppose the Church of God, who say that we do not need to keep the Sabbath Day, or that it was changed to Sunday, or that Jesus Himself abolished it. Others say that the Sabbath day is any day of the week. People can say whatever they want. I want to know what the Bible says.

So…did God really say Saturday specifically?

From the beginning of the Bible, God specifies the Sabbath day as the day of rest.

Genesis 2:2 On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation.

Why was God so specific about which day of the week it was? Do you think that God Almighty would do things without a purpose? As a Christian – someone who is supposed to follow the teachings of the Bible – shouldn’t this automatically make you question God’s will behind it?

The seventh day of the week is the day God chose to give us blessings, make us holy and allow our spirits to rest. Now, it’s up to you whether you believe it and take it. Or choose to follow another human’s opinion or teaching.

During the time of Moses, in the Ten Commandments, God reminds us about the Sabbath Day.

Have you ever heard of a Christian church that says they do not keep the 10 commandments? I haven’t either.

God gave us ten things that are important to Him and that we, as the people of God, should also see as important and abide by. And of all the things that God could’ve listed, one of them is the observance of the Sabbath day.

Exodus 20:8Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the Lord your God.”

Then how important is the Sabbath day to God?

Even Jesus kept the Sabbath day.

As Christians, shouldn’t we follow Christ? In other words follow His example and keep the Sabbath day?

Luke 4:14, 16 Then Jesus returned to Galilee…he went as usual to the synagogue on the Sabbath and stood up to read the Scriptures.

Clearly, Jesus did not…DID NOT… abolish the Sabbath day!

What about the disciples who came after Him?

Like, Paul. How many churches do you know are named St. Paul? Every Christian wants to emulate him because he was such a great follower of Christ. But…Paul kept the Sabbath day, even after Christ was crucified. A lot of people claim that Sunday worship began after the crucifixion. Well, it didn’t. Because the disciples still kept the Sabbath day for decades and centuries to come.

Acts 18:4 Each Sabbath found Paul at the synagogue, trying to convince the Jews and Greeks alike.

Okay. So that was then.

What about today?

When Jesus was describing to his disciples about his second coming and the end of the age, this is what He said:

Matthew 24:20 “…And pray that your flight will not be in winter or on the Sabbath.”

So should we still be keeping the Sabbath day today? If we consider ourselves Christians, absolutely! As people of God, we should see as important what God considers to be important.

…And the Church of God is the only Church keeping Sabbath day correctly?

After doing some research and studying at the Church of God, yes!

Most mainstream Christian groups today hold their main worship services on Sunday. But the Sabbath day is on Saturday, so for them, the Sabbath day is out of the question.

Starting with the so-called “Mother Church” aka the Catholic Church, the leaders admit that they do not keep the Sabbath according to God’s laws. And that Sunday is NOT BIBLICAL.


In his book, Faith of Millions, Rev. John O’Brien says it himself, there is not a single line in the Bible authorizing Sunday worship. He acknowledges that the Scriptures clearly state the observance of Saturday, a day they never keep.

Other Christian churches that branched out from the Catholic Church claim to have nothing to do with the “Mother Church” and find excuses to support their Sunday worship traditions. Take a look at the following excerpt from Rev. Stephen Keenan’s book, A Doctrinal Catechism.


Controversial-Cathecism-1024x296 Faith-of-Millions-e1403884011434-1024x394

Do you really think a church has authority to institute its own teachings and interpretations, even if it’s blatantly contrary to what God says in the Bible?

The Catholic Church claims to have the authority from God to make whatever rules and changes it wants. Do you really think that God would give a church authority to act on His behalf after this church has killed millions of God’s people? Yea, I didn’t think so!

So anyone who claims that the Sabbath day does not need to be kept or that the Sabbath day is any day other than Saturday, is clearly not following the teachings God gave us in the Bible.

Okay. So What happened to the real Sabbath day?

It was abolished by the Roman Empire (the same place where the Roman Catholic Church was formed).

People claim that Jesus Christ abolished it. Clearly they haven’t read the Bible:

Matthew 5:17Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets.”

Christ came to give us the example for us to follow so that we can enter heaven. Just remember God is Almighty. He doesn’t need us to keep the Sabbath. In Genesis, we can see that the Sabbath was established for our own blessing. After all, we’re the ones who need God in order to go to Heaven.

So remember, God gave us the Sabbath day before the creation to bless us, make us holy, and give us rest. When He came to the earth as Jesus Christ, he kept the Sabbath day to set an example for us. The disciples after Him, continued to set the example in the early Church and kept the Sabbath day.

And today, Christ Ahnsahnghong has proven to us that He is second coming Christ by establishing the Sabbath day that was abolished thousands of years ago.

Don’t follow men or their traditions. Follow God and His commands.

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  • Emmanuel V.

    This is a great article! Reminds me of when I first came to learn about the Sabbath. I was also raised believing that Sunday was the day to go to church. And like you, I didn’t question it either. When I first came to the Church of God, the first thing I learned was the Sabbath Day. My eyes were open! Thanks to God! I hope more people will continue to seek God and want to learn about the truth in the Church of God that Christ Ahnsahnghong established!

  • Michael K

    This was a great article! I appreciate how thorough it was, while at the same time the article stated the facts clearly and concisely. The importance of keeping the Sabbath Day as God commanded seems so simple to understand. However, I have to admit I spent most of my life oblivious of the fact that the correct day of worship according to the Bible is Saturday and not Sunday.

  • Joseph

    Even the Catholic Church admits to having changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, and points out the flaws of Protestant churches who claim to follow the Bible, and yet keep Sunday worship. To keep Sunday worship and say that you follow the Bible is a huge contradiction (even the Catholic Church admits to this, openly letting us know that they don’t regard the Bible as the absolute Word of God). The truth of the Sabbath day is as bright as day. I hope more people can see this great post and recognize just how important the Sabbath is for our salvation.

  • Mike

    It’s funny how all churches will proudly say that they keep the 10 commandments. But since all churches worship on Sunday instead of Saturday, the 7th day of the week, it’s proof that they are breaking the 10 commandments.

    If they can’t keep the simple day of worship right, how can we know that the rest of what they are teaching is right?

    I’m thankful to God to know that the true day to worship God is on Saturday.

  • David C

    I really enjoy reading this article, God’s work and ministry on this earth is truly the most valuable. Will God come to this earth to do something that has no meaning? Absolutely not! Everything that Christ did is of extreme importance for us. Just the fact alone that Jesus Christ kept sabbath day (7th day = saturday) as His custom should be enough for us to follow His footsteps and keep Saturday Holy! God made the sabbath day for us! To give us blessings, to make us holy and to take us to the everlasting rest (kingdom of heaven). With our ugly sinful nature we cannot go unless we are purified and made holy through the power of our God creator and perfecter of our faith.

  • Reply

    Great article! For me learning about the Sabbath Day sealed the deal. Once I understood that the Sabbath was Saturday and not Sunday I did not want to go against the will of God, so I immediately began to keep the Sabbath at the Church or God. Keep up the good work with these articles.

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