World Mission Society Church of God, families

“Putting…my relationship with my family to the side”

People who go against the World Mission Society Church of God come up with different lies to blemish the reputation of the Church and distort the truth of the Bible taught at the Church of God – whether it’s lies about Heavenly Mother, Christ Ahnsahnghong or the commands of God. One such claim directly attacks the culture within the Church of God saying that once people become members of the Church, the Church forces them to leave their families behind – resulting in broken families.

Check out Mara’s video testimonial where she describes her relationship with her family before and how it changed once she became a member of the World Mission Society Church of God.


Video Transcript:
Hi. My name is Mara and I am a current member of the World Mission Society Church of God. I wanted to make this video today to let you know how the Church of God has really changed my life and changed my family’s life as well.

I was baptized into the World Mission Society Church of God in 2009 and I am very proud to say that my dad and my mom and my three other sisters are also baptized. Before the Church of God and before I became a member, I was a very selfish person – really only caring about my social life and hanging out with my friends and really putting my family and my relationship with my family to the side.

And because of that I never really developed a strong relationship with my sisters and being the older sister, I should’ve done that. I should really know what my sisters like, and what kind of things they’re doing. But I really had no idea because I was so caught up in my own life and caught up in my social life, that, you know I really didn’t even hang out with my family that much. I didn’t spend time with them and really get to know them.

It wasn’t until I came to the Church of God and I realized and embraced our Heavenly Mother’s Teachings have I come to learn what love truly is.

At the Church of God, you know, we teach that to love each other with your whole heart and just as our Heavenly Mother loves us, and to accept each other’s differences and to respect each other. And we have put those teachings into our family practice as well.

And I’m very happy to say that we’ve never had a better relationship than we do now. And even though we may not agree on everything that we accept our differences and we move on and we serve each other and we help each other out always.

And really, the Church of God has really taught us many great things. And today I just wanted to share these things with you to have you have a better idea of really what we teach at the Church of God and that if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. And we’d love to let you know and to study with you the words of God and invite you into our Church to see this as well. Thank you.

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  • Shiny

    I’ve never seen the churches which practice love like the WMSCOG because there is a Teaching of Heavenly Mother as well as God the Father. I believe that It’s only through Elohim God we can be changed . The more we realize God’s love, the more we can be changed into a beautiful being.

  • Abigail

    I’m so happy because I met my heavenly family. Through them, I was changed. The biggest change is that I hope to go to kingdom of God!

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