World Mission Society Church of God, Superstorm Sandy, Hurricane Sandy, Disaster Relief, Community Service

The Second Anniversary of Superstorm Sandy

Volunteerism in the Aftermath of Sandy

Today marks the second anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, so I was compelled to write this post.

It’s impossible to forget the moment the storm hit New York. We were completely unprepared for the magnitude of what later, I learned was the “perfect storm.” Sandy was one of the biggest hurricanes to hit New York in living history, destroying boardwalks along the coastal line, tearing down thousands of homes and businesses, flooding dozens of neighborhoods and even taking the lives of many unexpectedly.
Sandy had the power to cause major havoc, but that did not intimidate the members of the Church of God from going neighborhood to neighborhood for ten consecutive days to help people in the New York Metropolitan area.

However, while a devastating storm,  Superstorm Sandy also allowed people in New York and New Jersey to feel the power of the Church of God volunteers, and most importantly, the love of Elohim God.

Though there are many people who speak negatively about the Church of God, actions speak louder than words.

When Superstorm Sandy hit, Church of God volunteers did not worry about their own situation. Instead, they only concerned for their neighbors who desperately needed a helping hand.

The result is in the testimony of those whose lives were impacted by the efforts of the volunteers – their energy and enthusiasm, their willingness to work, and their constant smiles. The people who witnessed the Church of God in action after Superstorm Sandy truly realized the essence of a Christian – the selfless heart of Christ.


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